In this chapter, the author refers to the training committee, although he is aware of the fact that, officials of that institute who are not training analysts are members of the training committee for the duration of their tenure and by statute. Psychoanalysis within the framework of human institution formation, represents and manifests the oedipal complex explicitly. Psychoanalysis has installed a representation of the creative primal scene at the centre of its institutionalization. This means a representation of the Oedipus complex with all its destructive possibilities, drive-related wishes, and demands of abstinence which come with it. The oedipal properties of psychoanalytic institution formation meet with a mental setting that is expressly and specifically geared to just those properties and that, therefore, seizes them in lock and key fashion. The co-option mode adds to the oedipal exclusion from the sexual function the moment of arbitrariness, and more specifically, of endogamous—and, thus, incestuous—selection.