This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book presents the collection of "stones, and just as the Stories of the Dreaming act as a container of experiences for the indigenous people, it attempts to be a container for experiences that had not had enough exposure in psychoanalytic literature. It explores crucial issue also in the historical dimension: colonization, forced migration, and dispossession. The book explores the physical space live in and the emotional space in which psychic development occurs, and how the two interrelate with each other. It explains the experience of a Jungian psychoanalyst working within the Aboriginal community in Central Australia. The book looks at dislocation as it is represented in the mind and investigates the issue through clinical work. It provides the couch the Australian nation: if Australia is the patient, the disease is the silence about its traumatic, past related to the history of colonization.