Two of the basic notions by means of which J. Lacan presents the concept of the drive are that of montage and deconstruction of the drive. Lacan works on this formula using the following postulate: drive is by no means something natural in S. Freud's work. The notion of "curve" interests us due to the pathway that Lacan inscribes in the partial drive, and that of "representation" due to the particularities it takes when it is a living speaking being which is at stake. Lacan warns that, in "Drives and their vicissitudes", Freud mainly speaks about two themes: one is the mechanism that Lacan calls "deconstruction of the drive" and the other one is love. Lacan considers Heraclitus in order to explore his own thesis about the sexual drive as representation of the curve of the human being's sexuality; Heraclitus says: The bow has the name bios, life; its work is death.