Fatima was referred to the paediatrician at twenty-one months of age because of her breath-holding attacks. He had recommended various techniques to the mother on how to deal with Fatima’s crises and the health visitor had tried to reassure the mother and to help her to cope with Fatima, but all to no avail. The paediatrician examined Fatima very carefully and concluded that she was physically normal and there was no organic basis for her disturbed and disturbing behaviour. Fatima had not been a planned child and her birth had forced Mrs F to interrupt, if not give up, her career. Fatima proved to be “a difficult baby” and nights were disturbed and demanding. Mr F allowed his wife to tell the author of Fatima’s breath-holding attacks and her occasional episodes of banging her head against the floor or some wall. Mrs F rushed to pick Fatima up and this was when Fatima “went blue”.