This chapter describes a case study of a girl named as Wendy who is attractive, cuddly, well-molding, generally placid and happy baby, passionately loved by her mother as her symbiotic fulfillment. Wendy's mother was a particularly beautiful woman who did not take to motherhood easily. Wendy was breast-fed and very gradually weaned in her fourth month. She never turned to the bottle with any enthusiasm, however, and certainly she did not take the night bottle as a kind of transitional object. At 20 months of age, Wendy began to show an unusual mixture of the characteristics of the practicing period proper and of the rapprochement period. Developmental tests indicated that Wendy had average endowment, of which she did not take optimal advantage. The tests showed that at 21 months and again at 29 months of age Wendy's language development was 4 months behind her chronological age, and that in the personal-social sector of her personality, development was lagging as well.