There are two types of primary repression corresponding to the two types of chance: tyche and automaton. However the Name of the Father (NoF) emerges out of tyche and the Real as a key signifier of the Symbolic order. Once it emerges from the Real, the "NoF" has different functions within the dimensions of the Real and the Symbolic. Within the Real, the Name is a letter of the void and is linked to a benevolent jouissance known at the end of analysis in the forms of "unbeing" or "disbeing" for the analyst and subjective destitution for the analysand. The erasure involved in the vocalisation of the step is the voice of the void or the voice coming out of the void of inherent nature. This is a place where the two voids meet: the void of the absence of the step, and the undoing of archaic actions carried out via sublimation and speech as a form of sublimation.