There is a significant evidence base for the role of brief therapies in working with attachment disorder. Attachment disorder can appear in a number of guises within therapy and can manifest wherever individuals consider themselves in relation to the other in a relationship. Cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT) has demonstrated that it can be effective in clients with attachment avoidance and depressive symptoms compared to interpersonal therapy whereas a comparative study with anxious adolescents demonstrated equivalent outcomes when CBT was combined with family therapy. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing is probably one of the most effective evidence-based therapies for working with attachment disorders. Neurolinguistic psychotherapy (NLPt) has demonstrated effectiveness in enabling self-care behaviours and de Miranda and colleagues were able to demonstrate positive changes in the home environment when Neuro Linguistic Programming was used with mothers in a shanty town area. NLPt is based in behavioural modelling and supports the client to model out both useful and unuseful strategies of behaviour.