The good mother is the state of oneness experienced by the psyche, a state of harmony within itself and with nature. In the early history of mankind the world was partially experienced as the good mother, loving, abundant, and fruitful, in a state of continual rebirth. The cosmic principles of creation and destruction pulse through all nature and life forms. Thus, goodness, wholeness, and health can be active at all levels—physical, mental, and spiritual. The spectrum of mankind's early psyche reflects experience of nature: on the one hand, of goodness and light, on the other, of darkness and death. Early mankind's experience of nature splits into the good and the terrible mother. The ancestors of mankind, hominids and early humans, were at first totally immersed in nature. It is, more esoterically, the mystical core of spiritual endeavour, the experience of wholeness within the Self, the harmony of conflicting components of the psyche.