Berne indicates regression analysis as an elective method that still remains at the prototype stage. In the case of Elise, a phobic patient, Berne resorts to the individual treatment “on the couch”. Again, in Principles of Group Psychotherapy Treatment, he recalls that it is the task of the analyst to “decodify and disintoxicate” the old experiences of the Child, in the presence of the Adult of the therapist. Deconfusion is the central phase in the Bernean methodology. To “deconfuse” literally means to “remove the confusion” of the Child ego state. The methodology for deconfusion consists of an analysis of the domains of transference together with the therapist’s use of emphatic transaction. To complete the description of the technical modalities to apply to transactional analysis according to a psychodynamic approach, let us consider in greater detail the re-decision analysis of transference.