Psychological manifestations in man may be viewed as the interaction between the principle of symmetry and the asymmetrical way of being. The principle of symmetry would, be a generalising principle, whereas asymmetrical relations would introduce the particularising or restraining conditions peculiar to the individual case. The notion of intra-psychic conflict, which is so central in the analytical conception, can be seen under a new light if looked at from the vantage point of the bipolarity symmetrical-asymmetrical. If anything, the unconscious experiences, being the most numerous ones and, perhaps, those which have greater weight in the life of man, might be more important. The assumption underlying an assertion is that the sole fact of something being unconscious is a source of pathology. This would be an approach to the question of mental pathology from the point of view of the structure of the relationship between symmetrical and asymmetrical or unconscious-conscious modes of being.