The ego's hatred of the constant pressure of the drives, of the difference between the sexes and the disavowal—the "bedrock" repudiation—at all costs of anything "feminine" are all part of the same pattern. The difference between the sexes is diluted within a diphasic bisexuality. In Sigmund Freud's theory, it was once again a case of rejecting a crucial component, the libidinal pole, which has to do with introjecting vast quantities of instinctual energy into the ego and with ecstatic sexual pleasure. What comes to grief on the bedrock of repudiation of femininity is the ego's effort to sustain the system of repression as such with its little quantities of negotiation and satisfaction. Passivity would be experienced as something feminine, the equivalent of being "castrated". The active/passive pairing involves opposite polarities and the phallic / castrated one an all-or-nothing type of functioning, but the masculine/feminine pairing is the only one that involves a real difference.