The discoveries made through psychoanalysis during the last forty years have rendered possible, among many other things, some understanding of enuresis. Enuresis may cease, but the symptom may reappear at puberty in the form of nocturnal emissions, and later may be partly expressed in ejaculatio praecox. Enuresis is one of those myriad symptoms that may mean nothing or a great deal. Enuresis may be related to unconscious persecutory fantasies, and may be connected with the attempt to get the bad out. Enuresis is then a sign even of improvement, of emotional development. The most difficult case of enuresis can be the one with no manifest anxiety or depression, so that people say the child would be quite normal but for the bed-wetting habit. The analyst is merely one of those who are trying to understand the forces at work behind enuresis, and behind a hundred kindred symptoms that are common in childhood and sometimes cry out for treatment.