Most analysts accept the usefulness of the concept of secondary narcissism and the idea that some individuals cathect aspects of themselves with narcissistic libido following the withdrawal of object-libido and de-cathexis of significant objects in their external relationships. The increasing use of the terms “narcissistic character” and “narcissistic personality disorders” indicate further the usefulness of the concept of narcissism. Originally narcissism was seen as instinctual cathexes of the ego and investment of the body with narcissistic libido. Hartmann has discussed and extended the concept to include the narcissistic cathexis of the self. This chapter explores what processes can be initiated in analysis that can result in a restoration of the narcissistic patient’s capacity to re-cathect objects and have a mature, interdependent relationship with love objects. It discusses what influence does the process of ageing have on the facilitation of change in the personality structure of the narcissistic character.