In this chapter, the author addresses the design of the study and the rationale behind the design, the training programme, and the adult attachment, style questionnaires that the students completed. She wants to test whether the adult attachment style of the caregiver correlated significantly with their attunement to affect signals from the careseeker in situations arousing the dynamics of attachment. The author describes data collected in order to establish: an independent measure of empathic attunement; the correlation between caregiver and careseeker measures of empathic attunement; the correlation between attachment style of the caregiver and empathic attunement and the impact of training on empathic attunement. She presents the total set of students into two matched pairs so that one set could be given real training and the other dummy training. The author also explains the experiment was separate from the students’ training and that the actors’ evaluation would not be used in any way that would affect the students’ qualification.