The near-demise of the soul has meant that man may have begun to lose the faculty or “instrument” to register surprise in a fundamental way. The soul bears the capability to experience wonder and awe in the face of creation, to ponder on what may lie behind the empirical facts, to be open to doubts, uncertainties, and mysteries by recognizing that the-thing-in-itself being contemplated will never be known absolutely. Religious institutions may well have colluded with this as some of their protagonists have offered a theology that postulates that God is dead. Religion, too, has at different points in history been distorted and used as a vehicle for millenarian fantasies that resonate with the unconscious anxieties of mankind who seeks ideologies and wish-fulfilment to quieten his fears. The new physics is very much lodged in the domain of probability. The new physicists only claim to be able to correlate correctly experiences of reality.