The Shamanism glides on the strings which connect us by mobilising the centre of self from the skin-bound individual self to the pulsating field self. The shaman described such pressures and influences in terms of vibrating energetic strings. An antelope insisting on maintaining its individualist consciousness, and shutting off interconnected messages, which are communicated resonantly, will probably end up as dinner. Therapeutic resonance can serve as a superb diagnostic tool, allowing us to feel into the relational field, picking up shown yet unspoken fragments of communication. Thoughts are still coming and going, this is their nature after all, but they too give way to quietness and slow down their pace. Calming myself down and submitting into the rhythms of sleep affected Zohar and eased her falling asleep. This is an intersubjective crossroads where body psychotherapy, relational psychoanalysis, and shamanism meet.