Painful human interactions are often followed by urges to forgive, be forgiving, or seek forgiveness. The insight analysands develop into their transferences highlights their finding gratification in constantly reenacting painful interactions. Acts of forgiveness can be deeply moving, even inspiring. Cordelia’s lines imply great depth of understanding of her relationship to Lear. Yet Cordelia’s part may be still more complex than what has been brought up this far. Shakespeare is also showing that Cordelia is steadily keeping her eye fixed on her future. In spite of all, she remains focused on what she is emotionally ready to become: a woman desired by, and loving toward, another lord, be it Burgundy or Paris. Cordelia is sharing with him her insight into what is to amount to a major change in his life, as well as hers. Bear in mind that she utters her minimal but powerful response when she is about to become a queen.