Slavery has left many legacies, mostly bad ones. Past wrongs can never be erased but slavery can be thought about more carefully and understood for what it was at the time—a brutal period in history for Africa and for Africans. France was also highly dependent on slavery for its development. Slavery showed what could be achieved by the new unregulated plantation system, and out of this early capitalism emerged. Transcending the legacies of slavery is a difficult matter. This is due to the circularity of the trauma left behind, but it is possible and necessary to transcend it. Psychoanalysis is a tool with which to understand the psychological legacies of slavery. Single-parenting, which was programmed directly into Caribbean society with the institution of slavery, migrated along with everything else to the UK and the US. Transcending the legacies of slavery will not happen without a correction of the damage done specifically to African men in the African diaspora.