This chapter has been edited from two talks given by Bruce Irvine. The first is part of his presentation to the Branding Workshop of the Grubb Guild early in 2015: “Working with the emergent: the brand of the Guild”. This talk outlined the three pillars and six principles of the Grubb Guild. First, there is the pillar “challenge everything”. The second pillar calls for resources to be revealed. The third pillar is about unleashing potential. The six principles includes: The Principle of Working with Experience, We create the experience we need in order to develop and learn, The Principle of Connectedness, The Principle of Abundance, The Principle of Co-creation and Self-authorization and the Principle of Working to Purpose, of responding to what is being “called forth”. The second was a talk given to participants in the Grubb Guild Master’s programme. This talk traced some of the history of the development of the transforming experience framework.