The Oedipus complex, the main emotional pillar upon which the network of society rests, recreates fatalistically in the core of every family, a condition portraying the absurdity of a psychotic drama. Depending on the degree of successive frustrations and satisfactions, the breast, as well as the penis, split into idealised and bad persecutory objects. Deep in the dynamic of the Oedipus complex, there is an essential paradox, a serious contradiction or trap. The Oedipus complex is an epigenetic dimension, meaning that it is not linked to internal reality only; it is, instead, the product of an interaction between drives representing “empty thoughts”, and the traumatic experience. Narcissism and its quality of “fusion between self and object”, represents the main defence against separation and anxiety from exclusion; it is the primitive extreme from which all human beings must evolve along the path towards independence and freedom.