The existing interaction between the preconscious and the unconscious is a container-contained relationship, similar to the one observed between the baby and the breast or the psychoanalyst and his analysand. In footnotes added in 1914 and in 1923, Sigmund Freud cautions against the danger of granting the unconscious a quality he referred as the “mysterious unconscious”. Freud remained faithful to the end of his days to his remark that dreams, similar to unconscious repressed instincts, were specifically driven by wish fulfilment. Ingrid is a rather intelligent, sensuous, attractive-looking woman, who often wears suggestive miniskirts and behaves in some ways younger than her stated age. For W. R. Bion, the main purpose of dreams is to avoid “frustration intolerance” produced by the facts of reality. Bion stated that, “contact with reality is not dependent on dream-work”, however, the accessibility to the individual “of the material derived from this contact is dependent on dream-work”.