This chapter explores some aspects of patients with one case report and offers the technical approach of establishing analytic contact. Analytic contact is the consistent exploration of the transferences, defences, phantasies, internal conflicts, and interpersonal methods of relating that the patient utilizes in their relationship to her objects, especially the analyst. Transference interpretation is essential in these difficult cases, but often hard to do when the patients hold such strong convictions regarding these phantasies of longing, dread, judgement, and hopelessness. For many of these patients, there is a complicated oscillation between the paranoid and depressive positions, never really reaching an integrative stance in which whole objects exist. Indeed, this fragile hold on the depressive world seems to shatter very easily and shift into more persecutory experiences of attack, betrayal, and abandonment. The chapter examines the case study of Paul, casually mentioned he was "bothered by voices.