The notion of Fundamental Fantasy certainly represents one of Lacan’s critical creations within the theory of psychoanalysis, and its so-called “traversal” likewise is often described as one of the definitions of the very end of a psychoanalytic treatment. The demonstration of cellular automata is quite interesting, for it bears a remarkable similarity to that of some notions of Lacan’s, particularly some of the work in the Presentation of the Suite, and the concomitant reduction of the Symbolic order to a binary structure. At a certain juncture, however, there is a certain encounter of language and the Real, the primal tuche people might say, that leads to Primary Repression and the inscription of material in the unconscious through the act of repression. At that moment, the process of registration is not flawless, and there are the gaps of memory—of registration—that Freud initially observed in his work with hysterics and which continue for a number of years.