Narcissism, in the form of ego-feeling, joins with emotion in the form of subjective sensation. Jesse took an immediate liking to her new therapist, who seemed to understand her emotions. Feelings of estrangement from external objects may represent a decrease of ego libido rather than an increase in ego libido. Paul Federn believed that the emotions resulted from intact ego boundaries in motion. Hope serves to make contact with the other emotions; it broadens the individual’s affective capacity and, thus, the ability to make contact with others. Many analysts, have pointed out that significant losses in self-esteem are at the heart of psychosis. David A. S. Garfield, Rogoff, and Steinberg conducted a study showing that schizophrenic patients with poor affect recognition also had lower self-esteem than those schizophrenic patients with higher affect recognition capacities. The self-esteem regulating structure provides positive affective colouring of the self representation and also maintains the cohesion and stability of the self representation.