Through the use of video technology, Dr Davanloo has made many discoveries about the human unconscious. He has applied these discoveries to a wide variety of patients, including those who are highly resistant. These discoveries are based upon empirical evidence, not theory or intuition, and form the basis of his metapsychology of the unconscious. His work of the early 1980s focused mainly on patients with phobic, obsessional, panic, depressive and functional disorders. Just as the patient's resistance seeks to defeat the process, the unconscious therapeutic alliance (UTA) becomes the therapist's ally and seeks to enable the patient to experience the most painful and repressed unconscious emotions. In Dr Davanloo's technique, the mobilisation of this very powerful force, the UTA, against the forces of the resistance is made possible. The "central dynamic sequence" consists of the phases of: enquiry, pressure, challenge, transference resistance, direct access to the unconscious, systematic analysis of the transference, and dynamic exploration into the unconscious.