This chapter defines the most recent conceptual discoveries of Davanloo. Dr Davanloo has greatly refined his approach to diagnosing and removing transference neuroses in the last several years. It is important to understand some historical considerations and the role that transference neurosis has played in traditional psychoanalysis. Freud believed that the transference neurosis was an important manifestation of treatment that required careful analysis. He believed that this careful analysis would result in important insights and therapeutic value. Unlike Freud, Dr Davanloo rejects the notion of the therapeutic value of the transference neurosis. Many therapists claim to practise Davanloo's IS-TDP but few have had adequate training from Davanloo himself. Learning how to create an extremely high rise in the TCR is not a simple task. In this early stage of IS-TDP research and teaching, it is a lifelong endeavour for most learners. Davanloo has given much attention to the application of multidimensional unconscious structural changes (MUSC) in the last five years.