Some historians have looked back and given an interpretation of the psychoanalytic controversies of 1943 between Anna Freud and Melanie Klein. Instead, what W. R. Bion proposes in the Trilogy is a sort of dream full of images, a kind of manifest content that could be the anticipation of a latent controversy that might involve in the future the collapse of a substantial part of the present knowledge and the development of new psychoanalytic theories. As a dream interwoven with images, the Trilogy is open to an infinite number of interpretations and may even be seen as the description of the hard work of an individual or of a group involved in a transition that brings advancement of knowledge with it. Dream, attention, inquiry, research, change may move in both directions: progression and regression lead to change or to its opposite, repetitive stiffness. Bion says that the rabble and the aliens will seize power in psychoanalysis.