This chapter aims to support readers to incorporate aspects of quantitative approaches to psychotherapy research into their day-to-day clinical practice. Psychotherapy has benefited from a range of research methodologies that are based on quantitative approaches. For example, randomized controlled trial methodology has enabled the development of a robust evidence base for a number of psychotherapeutic approaches to alleviating emotional distress. Case formulation provides a conceptual framework to represent individuals' psychological difficulties and provides the basis for assessment and therapy planning. Replicating the therapeutic effects of a psychotherapeutic approach across individuals is another way of increasing certainty that the effects observed are due to the interventions as opposed to other factors that are not measured. Prior to conducting single case design psychotherapists need to consider carefully any potential ethical issues involved. The approach provides an important clinical framework to enable psychotherapists and their clients to collaborate on the development and testing of theoretically informed, clinically relevant, tailored hypotheses.