Jane Kite is a training and supervising analyst at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, and a member of the San Francisco Psychoanalytic Center, where she completed her psychoanalytic training in 1993. Her main interests within psychoanalysis lie in the areas of character in analyst and patient, and the active relationships and influence among character, theory, and clinical practice. Dr Kite says, “The image of the internal experience of the analyst is first of all superimposed over the original experiences with early objects, and gradually kind of takes over. Dr Kite describes how exposure to some of the London Kleinians has altered her work. Most analysts are interested in how their patients are perceiving them, and how the perceptions are distorted by transference. The patient may have an internal set-up in which one self-state, a controlling and punitive internal object, commandeers the psyche in a relentless way that holds the patient rigidly in place.