Matte-Blanco had developed a model based on mathematical logics in order to explain some characteristics of the unconscious as they were originally described by Sigmund Freud presence of reciprocal contradictions and denials, displacement, condensation, absence of time, and the switching of external and internal realities. To conceive the unconscious structured as a form of language, to know about its logic, about its different forms of association and particular syntaxes, represents an important contribution to the epistemological understanding of its true nature. Later contributions made by W. R. D. Fairbairn and Melanie Klein changed the Freudian notion of the unconscious content, that is from a pure decathected drives notion to the notion of the unconscious as a reservoir of early narcissistic object relations repressed memories. For Wilfred Bion, thinking is a consequence of thoughts and not the other way around. Thinking represents an obligatory development of the mind that is produced by the pressure of thoughts.