Wilfred Bion established that an overvaluation of the inanimate over the animate could be the consequence of enforced splitting associated with a disturbed relationship with the breast. There are mental confusions that interfere with and destroy the faculty to think rationally, that hinder the positive growth of the mind, and that obstruct the capacity to discriminate between reality and phantasy. Bion described Growth as a preconception in search of a realization. The problem of great relevance, is on the one hand the confusion between the phenomena of the mind itself and on the other hand the psychoanalytical methodology used to explore and change the mind. The patient takes a rather passive role, acting as an inanimate object that will be repaired by the analyst, who will in turn be responsible for any kind of wrongdoing. Bion discriminates between three different forms of links between container and contained: “commensal”, “symbiotic” and “parasitic”.