This chapter is about clinical material: the authors' first patient whom she shall call Matias. Matias was referred in July 1992 to the outpatients service of the Tobar Garcia Hospital. He was 9 years old. During the first interview his mother said the reason for the referral was that "he has behaviour difficulties mainly at school, he doesn't accept instructions, he has tantrums, he hides under furniture, he bangs his head against the wall, he hits the other children, he gets restless, he always wants attention." Matias used to get a stick and destroy billboards, he insulted and hit his teachers leaving bruises all over their legs. During this period of the treatment Matias' symptoms were firmly established in the transference, giving him a break in the external world. Talking about this spaceship he said he was amazed by its resilience since it had stayed the same for months; he said it remained undamaged because of the "joints" it had.