As months passed, Attis’ hallucinations and delusions seemed to lessen, but they did not disappear. After experiencing a confrontation with a member of his church, an especially awful “bitch”, he still sensed the presence of his dead mother or father at a new cemetery, this one located closer to his new home, and Gloria’s vagina again became a walrus with teeth. Perhaps he noticed my boredom with his endless golf stories. He continued to make some references to them, but now in his sessions he began a routine. He would simply tell me that he was having a bodily experience, such as neck pain. Then he would stop, give no associations, stay silent and look at me as if I knew why his neck was hurting. My inquiries as to what had triggered his bodily sensations went nowhere. Then he would tell me about a sermon he had given the previous Sunday or something about his duties at his church.