Robert Lepage’s practice can be seen in the tradition of ‘director’s theatre.’ Like Ariane Mnouchkine, Peter Brook, Robert Wilson and Elizabeth LeCompte, Lepage is a director-author of performance. Lepage turned 60 in 2017, so it can be expected that the next decade of his life will be marked with new and different productions evolving out of his creative process. In the Introduction to Robert Lepage – Connecting Flights, Remy Charest observes that at the centre of Lepage’s theatre is ‘something which lies at the very heart of theatre: transformation and connection’. Lepage is attracted to eclecticism and transformation in theatre because they represent change which, for him, is at the heart of rituals as a pre-theatrical form of expression. Oriental references, particularly Japanese, were not only important to Lepage as stimuli for devising, but also for the development of his style of intercultural theatre.