This chapter characterizes the South American transition zone briefly, explains its endemic and characteristic taxa and discusses its biotic relationships. Within the transition zone, it recognizes seven provinces: Paramo, Desert, Puna, Atacama, Cuyan High Andean, Monte and Comechingones. Urtubey et al. conducted a track analysis and a cladistic biogeographical analysis of the provinces of the South American transition zone and the subregions of the Neotropical and Andean regions based on Asteraceae. Roig-Junent et al. distinguished four cenocrons based on insect taxa. The Pangeic cenocron consisted of old taxa present before the break-up of Pangaea, including two varieties: taxa found in eremic environments and taxa from more humid habitats. Vuilleumier suggested a close relationship of the Paramo province with the Puna province based on bird taxa. Studies postulated that the biota of the Paramo province derived from different biotic sources.