It is necessary to grasp the reality of the net which Constantine had created in which these peoples were and still are entrapped.

On the one hand, for the inhabitants of Europe the Roman Empire, with its organization, was at the time the only conceivable temporal entity. The break which was to separate the Middle East and the African coast from the rest of Europe came about with the triumph of Islam.

On the other hand, the fourth-century empire was shaken at all levels with a profound sense of spiritual bewilderment and reckless economic and fiscal policies.

And when a society’s Collective Unconscious crumbles, sooner or later a belief system in the hands of a new political elite will know how to coagulate the cultures already circulating into a handful of strongly emotive paradigms.

This is what happened in the sixty years between 325 and 381 ce, marking the birth of a new complex which was to be consolidated from the eighth century onward via the Carolingian Renaissance.

In his undertaking to underpin the empire with new psychological cement, Constantine gave his consent to the Trinitarian “mystery” in an objective formula with fascinating but tremendous force not through its a-rationality, a characteristic of all faiths, but its irrationality, which was proclaimed “State Religion” in 380 and a dogma in 381 by the emperor Theodosius (not by the pope): “Three distinct Persons in One Sole God”.

The event subverted and corrupted the Evangelical Message – the product of a spirituality, the Hebrew, holding the very name of God unpronounceable – by distorting it within the categories of Greek philosophy and Roman Law.

The whole of history of the West will be affected by this sixty-year period (325–381), of which however the majority of people know nothing.