Professional, Industrial and Commercial Updating (PICKUP) services have steadily increased in mainstream further education colleges since 1982. PICKUP is aimed at offering adults in employment continuing vocational education in a wide range of skills and knowledge and can be delivered in a variety of ways. PICKUP provision is often tailor-made to the specific needs of a local company's workforce. Colleges have developed this provision along extensively commercial lines, and PICKUP services are often referred to as Enterprise or Commercial Units, their business largely one of income generation for the college. PICKUP provision for the visually impaired is available from a range of providers. PICKUP services for the visually impaired, provided within a specialist further education college, are able to develop in a similar manner to only a limited extent. The working environment, employers' and colleagues' attitudes, job specifications, training facilities, equipment available and its appropriate funding are all relevant in the provision of PICKUP services for the visually-impaired client.