Researchers in Information and Communication Sciences, particularly in the field of organizations, consider communication practices as ‘temporalization practices’ which implement social control through discourses of flexibility, adaptation, responsiveness and sustainability. An acceleration of the speed of life has effects on individuals’ experience of time: it causes people to consider time as scarce, to feel under time pressure and stress. This acceleration manifests itself in various forms in the business world. In an effort to reduce costs and maximize profits, organizations are putting too much pressure on employees through work acceleration and intensification, which jeopardize the long-term organizational sustainability. The acceleration in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector has profound consequences on the well-being of ICT workers. ICT workers who enable acceleration of the business world become victims of acceleration and suffer from stress and burnout. The whole ICT industry in parallel with the business world they provide technological services to, operates with the ‘do more with less’ motto.