This chapter focuses on observation, self-observation, and enactive management of organizational conflict situations whereby a community, or a human being has the possibility of recognizing their resources and generating changes in their practices if they so desire, and making fresh decisions, in the sense that different ontological dimensions are involved. The learning process happens in a special place called Enactive Laboratory where strategies are developed to cope with the domains and context in the perceived individual and human activities systems. The aesthetic conversational movement that arises from the laboratory experience as an expression of re-designing of conflict-resolving practices and innovation in decision-making is seen as a learning of the system oriented at opening its possibilities and declaring its limits and resistances. This reconfiguration emerges from the perturbation generated by the CLEHES tool in the ways of distinguishing the conflict situations and the associated meanings, and by daring to enact emergent situations and come to decisions by moving the distinctions schemes.