The partial cognitions from several theories — for example, from systems theory, cybernetics and management — offer limited insights into reasons for surpassing of one-sided and mono-disciplinary consideration of organizational phenomena. Business Cybernetics is specializing in organizations and individuals as the so-called business systems emphasizing the so-called business viewpoints rather than the natural, social, technical or technological viewpoints of consideration of objects, features, events and processes making the real life. Duality is a universal principle summarizing generally valid cognitions about elementary systems; consequently, its understanding is very similar in different sciences. Each scientific discipline utilizes duality to consider purposes and goals inside its selected starting points and environment. Explanation of duality is importantly influenced by cognitions about the existence of different appearance levels of each idea. The duality concept can provide steps from a one-sided and therefore fictitious holism toward a realistic consideration of the law of the requisite holism, or even toward the Bertalanffian concept of the total holism.