This chapter focuses on the meso level, exclusively focusing on the inclination of a particular category of business, a museums’ sample, to highlight Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a strategic resource for its competition. It analyzes the museum decision makers' propensity to invest in ICT based on two factors: the dimension of the museum; the type of governance. Many empirical evidences confirm this trend in a micro-level analysis, that is the single tourism organization aimed at contributing to the development of the ‘tourism system’. Innovation is a very topical issue in the economic, managerial, political, and social debate. From the analysis of the literature, the ‘size’ and ‘nature of governance’ emerges as recurrent factors able to orient the attitude of innovation in museum organizations. In line with the recurring themes emerging from the literature review, this contribution focuses on the inclusion of ICT as a strategic resource for tourism organizations, with particular attention to the museums.