This collection of movement education and skill-themed lesson plans was created for those preservice and in-service teachers interested in teaching elementary school children motor skills and concepts using movement education and the skill-themes approach (Graham, Holt-Hale, McEwen, & Parker, 1980). For this book’s purposes, the former is for Kindergarten through third-grade students, while the latter is for Grades 4 and 5. My 30+ years as a physical educator, administrator, and higher education faculty, in addition to my research (Gosset, 2015), tell me that the majority of elementary school physical education teachers teach movements and sport skills by units, which is typically referred to as the multi-activity approach, rather than by themes (e.g., hop, jump, etc.), dances (e.g., line/square, etc.), sport skills, and sports, as well as their accompanying strategies are typically each taught once yearly in a series of lessons. These lessons are often seasonally (climate) based, and teachers may use the same equipment for each grade. This can be convenient for the instructor but may not be developmentally appropriate for all students.