The Western or Moru-Madi group consists, on the west bank, of the following tribes: the Moru, the Avukaiya of the Meridi and Yei Districts, the so-called Kaliko of Yei District, with a few Lugbari, the bulk of whom are in Uganda. Among the west-bank tribes none of the chiefs can trace back their pedigree for more than a very few generations. This raises a strong suspicion that the office of chief is a recent development consequent on contact with foreigners, and that formerly tribal management was in the hands of the elders. Rain-makers exist and among the Moru were extremely important, but the function was not exercised by the chief. The Yei River seems to have been the boundary between these two Moru sections. In view of the tribal incoherence of the Moru it is strange that the Bongo-speaking Moru should always speak of themselves as Moru.