In this chapter the term Lango is used of the so-called Lango of the Latuka-speaking tribes, and has no reference to the Lango of Uganda. The Karamoja tribes and the Turkana extend the Nilo-Hamitic group into Uganda and Kenya; the Lugbari and most of the Madi live in Uganda; and there are Kakwa in the Belgian Congo and in Uganda. There is a distinct physical antithesis between the two main groups, the Nilo-Hamitic being long-headed and tall as compared with the rounder-headed and shorter tribes of the Moru-Madi group. Turning aside for a moment to the 'intrusive' tribes, the Berri and the Acholi speak a Nilotic language closely related to Anuak and Shilluk. All the tribes east of the Nile have a highly developed age-class system which among the Moru and kindred tribes is entirely absent. The cumulative effect of the evidence appears to form a strong case for the presence of a large Moru-Madi element in all these tribes.