This chapter focuses on partial typologies, concerned with one or the other aspect of religion, such as its effect upon the 'economic ethics' of societies, which was Max Weber's theme. Ritual action is effective, not only directly, in the manner of sensory stimuli provoking psychological effects, but also symbolically, through pointing to other facts or to ideas about facts in the manner in which signs point to the things signified or a drama demonstrates a moral or message. Rituals may be fully 'dramas' need not be especially emphasized. In practice, only certain of these interrelations will be utilized or emphasized in any religious system, and Mystics Will thus establish its particular construction or type. The chapter discusses Nupe religion and summarizes its character or 'type' on the lines of list of competences. Nupe religion sanctions only the powers that be, the machinery of political control, and hence the claims of secular society to declare what is right and wrong.