The Nupe system of agriculture is based on shifting cultivation combined with a well-worked-out rotation of crops. The nature of the first farming activity depends on whether or not the farmer has done what 'good' farmers are expected to do, namely, planted his yams already in the rains, immediately after the harvest. The time-factor in reaping and harvesting is less sharply defined than in sowing and planting. Harvesting activities are spread more irregularly over a longer space of time. In the marshes of Niger and Kaduna almost the whole production of rice is intended for sale and export. Food crops grown almost exclusively for the market are: late ground-nuts, red pepper and rice and onions. The method of kola-nut cultivation is interesting. In the granaries in the house are stored millet, sorghum, maize, beans, ground-nuts, and all greens, each crop being kept in a separate granary.