Tourette syndrome (TS) can be considered a sensory-sensitive brain disorder with a motor circuit dysfunction, producing tics and behavioural diseases. The main causes of the syndrome include: genetics and acquired factors. Medical bases of TS are presented to the readers to help them classify TS as an organic disease. TS originates from genetics and other medical factors, such as infections. Many disciplines are involved in the syndrome, thus requiring teamwork. The chapter discusses the most relevant brain aspects to understand tics and TS behavioural symptoms. The brain is the complex structure where movements, sensations, memories, thoughts, words and emotions arise. The spinal cord is connected to the brain through the brain stem, a fundamental structure which is middle-positioned, laterally and under the cerebellum. Pathophysiology studies the mechanisms underlying diseases, including anatomical alterations and dysfunctions – in this case, of the brain. TS pathophysiology and etiopathology have implications onto the diagnostic-therapeutic process.