Internship represents the culmination of doctoral training programs in psychology. Internship represents a transformative stage in one’s clinical practice, a transition from student practitioner to independent practitioner. For many, the internship application process is daunting. This chapter provides guidance for navigating this process. Pre-application considerations are explored, such as pursuing practica, tracking hours, and formulating training goals and career aspirations. Factors in narrowing the internship site list are discussed, including “fit” with a site, whether forensic experiences are offered, the site’s accreditation status, requirements of one’s graduate program, and post-internship goals. An overview of the application process via the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers’ (APPIC) Application for Psychology Internships (APPI) is provided. Tips for performing well on interviews and creating site rankings lists are proffered. Finally, post-match concerns are surveyed.