The Apristas were anti-imperialists and revolutionary socialists whose goals of social reform and nationalism of industry heavily influenced many national Latin American student organizations. Throughout Latin America in the 1920s and 1930s student organizations continued to grow and spread. Even though by 1919 the student resistance in Argentina had begun to subside, the revolutionary wake generated by the country’s student-led reform movement was rolling through neighboring nations. Inspired by the success of the students in Argentina, students in Venezuela also began their own movement for reforms. A general air of revolution hung over Latin America in the early twentieth century, but the individual student-led reform movements in Central and South America were often radically different from one another in scope, goals, and efficacy. Students at the congress railed against dictatorships, praised democracies, and advocated democratic social reforms, and they also shared strategies for effectively holding demonstrations and strikes, disseminating revolutionary information, and constructing boycotts.