Adamawa Native Administration's Central Office reorganized, with resident councillors each holding a departmental portfolio, and a Secretary appointed to the Native Administration. Adamawa Province came into being in 1926. A sudden fall of 50 per cent, in the price of groundnuts halted the economic progress of the Province. From the 1926 reorganization of the Northern Provinces the history of Adamawa falls less readily into periods. An outline of the history of the earlier Yola and Muri Provinces during the first twenty-five years of Government has been given: the occupation and pacification, the development of administration, the Cameroons campaign, the assumption of mandated territory. There was an outbreak of lawlessness in Muri District, where a Fulani was murdered and a government rest-house burnt down. An outbreak of crime and lawlessness in Song District was brought to an end by a public execution in the area, which had a far-reaching deterrent effect.